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Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Bush reveal which of their children wants to be as grandfather George W. Bush (exclusively)

Former president George W. Bush Inspires his grandchildren to follow in his footsteps – beyond the oval office.

“I don’t think anyone (of my children) thinks politically. None of my children are like: ‘Let me be the president!’ Jenna Bush Hager tells People in this week’s cover history.

Twin sister Barbara shrubAs co -authors of New Kids’ Book I first loved you With Jenna, the same goes for her two children: Cora Georgia, 3 and Edward, who are only 7 months and think of much other than “milk.”

Barbara Bush, Edward, Poppy, Hal, Mila, Jenna Bush Hager, Cora Georgia.

Brian Doben

Still, the former president, whom grandchildren calls “Jefe”, actually has much in common with his young name, Cora Georgia.

“We still learn who she is, but she is very mild, which I would say is mom (Laura Bush), and she is very creative. She loves to do things, which – to our surprise – is my dad, who is an artist and a painter, “says Barbara.” She loves nothing more than going to Jefes Studio with him and painting! Cora Georgia would say that she will become an artist as grandfather. ”

Barbara Bush and her children, Edward and Cora Georgia.

Brian Doben

In his retirement Former president has praised taken up the painting. He has released two art books: By many, oneconsisting of dozens of his oil portraits of American immigrants that promote compassionate reform and benefit programs that help immigrants, and Portrait of couragewhich is a tribute to wounded veterans.

For more of Jenna and Barbara’s exclusive interview, pick up this week’s edition of People at newspaper kiosks Friday.

Bush also paints his family members – and their pets! On March 25, Jenna split during a segment on Today Show, that daughter Mila, 11, Had asked his grandfather to paint a picture of his cat, which he (of course) graciously agreed.

Jenna Bush Hager and her children, Mila (11), Poppy (9) and Hal (5).

Brian Doben

Jenna also told people that, just like Cora Georgia the future artist, the daughters Mile and Poppy9, starts thinking about what they may want to be when they grow up as well.

“Mila wants to be a doctor because she is obsessed with Gray’s Anatomy. Thanks Gray’s Anatomy and Meredith Gray to inspire it. Poppy wants to be a model, which is good, says Jenna, adding that son Halggardens5, don’t know what he wants to be completely yet.

From left to right: Craig Coyne, Poppy, Mila, Barbara, Laura, George, Hal, Jenna and Henry.

Jenna Bush Hager/Instagram

As for which family members the children are most reminiscent of her, Jenna & Friends Host says she sees a bit of everyone.

“I would say that Mila actually has a very similar disposition as my mom and my sister. She is a little quieter, milder, really curious. She is super empathetic. Poppy has some of my dad in her with the desire to entertain and dance,” she says.

“Poppy is fun,” Barbara adds.

Henry Hager, Laura Bush, George W. Bush, Barbara Bush, Poppy, Mila, Jenna Bush Hager.

Jenna Bush Hager/Instagram

“And she is completely herself, which I love. And then Hal Hager is all man. I’m not sure where it comes from. He can also be very, very loving and gentle. I have to come in there and see. He probably has a bit of me in the destruction,” says Jenna with a laugh.

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Today with Jenna & Friends A broadcast weekdays at 10 o’clock at NBC.

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