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Tictokers urge accidental violent consequences of Tubi’s viral Super Bowl ad

Tictokers urge accidental violent consequences of Tubi’s viral Super Bowl ad

Tubi’s Super Bowl ad may have cheated everyone with an epic prank, but Tiktok creators pay attention to the unintentional consequences of advertising.

San Francisco, California – Tubis Super Bowl advertising may have cheated all with an epic prank, but Tiktok Creators pay attention to the unintentional consequences of advertising.

Tubi's Super Bowl ad triggered many viewers into thinking that someone changed the program during the game.

Tubi’s Super Bowl ad triggered many viewers into thinking that someone changed the program during the game. © Collage: Screenshot/ Tiktok/ @Noahsousley & @Barstoolsports

Streaming Service Tubis Super Bowl LVII The ad began with what seemed to be the end of the commercial break. But the ultra-realistic production actually continued by seeming to open a TV’s control menu to open Tubi, close the game coverage and browse through Streamer’s offers.

The 15-second advertising really got the attention it was looking for, as many viewers panic and thought they had accidentally changed the program.

While Prank led to some funny answers, others did not think it was a laughing question when they came up with scary stories about aggressive reactions to the ad.

On the days after the game, a woman wrote in a viral Reddit post that she broke up with her boyfriend after he became violent when the prank was broadcast.

“My boyfriend thought I was the one who changed the channel and started screaming at me violently and called me things that I don’t even want to write down,” she mentioned. “Even when I told him it was an advertising, he ignored me and continued to blow up on me and hit a hole in the living room wall.”

Posten has been noted on how Tubi -comedmersial, but probably not intentionally, exemplified the increase in incidents of home violence during major sporting events such as Super Bowl.

Social Media urges the influence of Tubi’s advertisement on home violence

The sentences for home violence often increase during major sporting events such as Super Bowl.

The sentences for home violence often increase during major sporting events such as Super Bowl. © Christian Petersen / Getty Images North America / Getty Images via AFP

A quick search on Twitter about the Tubi ad will lead you to several tweets of viewers who joked that the ad almost made them turn out.

“The Tubi commercials almost got my lil cousin hands broken for the f ***** with the remote control lol be careful next time @nfl,” a user Tweetad.

But reality could not be more serious.

In a viral Tiktok, the creator @aurora told … Star the stories she has heard about reactions to the ad, including protectors who attack bartenders and fathers screaming at their children.

“The Tubi Super Bowl commercial was intended to be a joke, but it caused violence across the country in the 15 seconds it was broadcast,” she said. “I am not saying that Tubi is the indication, but everyone who has lived in a house with an angry man knows that a 15-second joke is all that is required.”

Several studies from UsThe UKand Canada Has all illustrated the increase in incidents in the home after major sporting events, with alcohol consumption that also plays a role in the increase.

Of course, Tubi is not directly responsible for the violent acts of others. Some, however, still call the advertisement irresponsible, given the breadth of research showing the worrying pattern.

“The Commercial Tubi -Commercial Cursed me as much as Violence in the home is already so high during major sports games and I know women took the case for that one ** ad,” a user Tweetad.

Tubi ad reveals the patterns of aggression in Sportfan’s culture

Social media users have gone back and forth if Tubi is to be held responsible for the ad.

Social media users have gone back and forth if Tubi is to be held responsible for the ad. © Imago / Zonar

Another Tiktok Creator Discussed how the reactions highlight how normalized aggression is in connection with major sporting events.

“Yes, it was a very fun advertising, but I think it also highlighted the inherent violence that is rooted in our culture,” she said.

Many of the reactions that go viral online show fans throwing around pillows on the sofa to find the remote controls or scream at others in the room.

They often meet with positive answers that pointed out how fun the prank was rather than dealing with the aggression in the video.

The original viral Reddit post also concerned this repeated dismissal of the problem.

“My parents told me that I overreact because he had little to drink and Super Bowl gets everyone riled up but I don’t feel like I’m,” the woman said. “I don’t think it’s normal to be so angry.”

Domestic violence often goes unreported, and this minimization of aggression really plays a role in influencing survivors not to emerge.

On social media, many users who dismissed Tubi’s responsibility also continue to pursue the story that it is simply how men behave and that nothing can be done.

Whether Tubi should have gone through the ad in the first place, the pattern for violence during games must be taken up, and these reactions can only be the dilapidated alarm clock.

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