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Plans bythance to sell tictoc according to the US ban?

Beijing, China – Tiktok Parent change has said that it has no intention to sell it, after the US Congress adopted a law Force it to sell the extremely popular video platform or be banned in the United States.

The United States adopted a law this week that says the Chinese parent company's prey dance must sell TikTok, otherwise the social media platform will be banned.

The United States adopted a law this week that says the Chinese parent company’s prey dance must sell TikTok, otherwise the social media platform will be banned. © Olivier Douliery / AFP

Bytate’s comment came after the technical business -oriented news page Information reported that the Chinese technical giant looked at potential scenarios to sell TikTok without the coveted recommendation algorithm that drives it.

“Foreign media reports on replacement dance that explores the sale of TikTok are untrue,” the company published late Thursday on its official account on Toutiao, a social media platform it owns.

“Bythadance has no plans to sell TikTok.”

US Congress Members and Authorities have said Tictok presents a national security threat As long as it is controlled by or connected to prey dance. They have claimed that it could be used to collect data and spy on Americans and also act as a powerful channel for Chinese propaganda.

Tiktok has strongly denied the charges and said it never has and will never divide us user data with Beijing.

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