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Cop Forces Daughter, 6, to keep “I want to kill my brother” sign, respond to 911 calls

An Indiana police and his wife have been accused of neglect after spectators reported that the couple is alleged to forced their 6-year-old daughter to stand outside in the cold and keep a sign as a punishment.

According to court documents obtained by local stores Fox 59The WTHR and Pharos-TribuneA woman in Logansport who called 911 on January 19 to report that a young girl was outside in 18-degree weather with a sign that reads: “I want to knit and kill my brother, I even take an antipsychotic. If you need to give it to the victims.”

According to a probable statement obtained by FOX 59, Logansport Police Department Officer responded to Cody Scott and his supervisor on the 911 call. Body camera films showed allegedly a witness who called to report the incident and talk to the two officers and told them: “This child stands here in the clinging cold with a sign.”

“Well, Mr, except that I cruelly beat her physically, I have not made any other punishment that has worked for her,” Cody then said in response, according to a transcription of the sound from Affidavit. “She has threatened to kill my family, she wants to embarrass us, she wants to urinate on herself and destroy things in the house.”

The girl was identified as Cody’s 6-year-old daughter.

A police vehicle (warehouse).


“I have a DCS -caseworker involved, she has been in therapy for three years, she also has the Wraparound program at school,” continued Cody, according to the court documents. “She goes in every 30 minutes to warm up again, she has collected very hot and then she comes back out.”

An Indiana State Police (ISP) officer later reviewed the images in the body camera and contacted the Department of Child Services to open an investigation after further reports from witnesses, the documents say.

Cody and his wife, Kylie Scott, were later interviewed by ISP. They told the investigators that the penalty on January 19 descended from an incident where the 6-year-old put to carry lip gloss.

Kylie told investigators that their daughter often acted for attention, sometimes urinated herself, and they often punished her by forcing her to keep a sign, the stores reported. The couple also said that she had been diagnosed with several mental disorders and claimed that she had threatened to shoot or cut her younger child.

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The 6-year-old was also interviewed by a caseworker at a child’s law center according to the court documents. She told officials that she had previously been grounded and told to stay in her room, even though she had to use the bathroom and said that her brother did not receive the same punishment as her.

In addition, the documents say that Caseworker found that the girl had been given a sign several times as a penalty. In another incident, her parents forced her to bring a sign to school that said “I pee everything and cover it as a cat”, and in another case she wore a sign that read “I lie to hurt other people” to Walmart.

The Pharos-Tribune Reported that Cody was placed on administrative leave without pay in January. Both Cody and Kylie are facing two criminal accusations of neglecting an addiction.

The couple appeared in the court on Thursday, March 13, and did not appeal, reported FOX 59. Both will return to the court on May 8 for a pre -conference, and a trial date has been set until September 22.

Indiana State Police did not immediately respond to people’s request for comment.

If you suspect children, call Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline on 1-800-4-Per or 1-800-422-4453, or go to All calls are free of charge and confidential. The threat line is available around the clock in more than 170 languages.

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