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Bacon, avocado and pickle coffee? Tictoker takes on bizarre Java trends in viral videos

Bacon, avocado and pickle coffee? Tictoker whips up bizarre “Making Coffee” trend in strange viral videos

This food and drink tictoker and his “to make coffee from this I should not” series of videos have gone viral. So what about this “home cafe”?

A food And drink Tictoker And his “to make coffee with things I shouldn’t” have gone viral. So what’s the matter with this guy’s strange “home cafe?

If you think about it, foods like bacon can be eaten with breakfast price - and coffee is often a breakfast drink! Ethan Rode has changed the game.

If you think about it, foods like bacon can be eaten with breakfast price – and coffee is often a breakfast drink! Ethan Rode has changed the game. © Collage: Screenshots/Tiktok/@Ethanrodecofe

User @ethanrodcoffee Have made every kind of coffee you can think of.

We talk corn coffee, bacon coffee, avocado coffee, purple sweet potato coffee and even pickle coffee!

And do you know what? The drinks are not almost as rough as you might imagine! (Except maybe pickle one …)

If you think about it, many of these foods, such as bacon and avocado, can be eaten with breakfast price – and coffee is often a morning drink, after all.

Ask yourself: Doesn’t it matter if the food is mixed with the coffee before or after it hits the stomach? Tiktok fans are here for the debate.

Unlikely coffee infusions cause a movement on tiktok

The odd coffee infusion are not almost as rough as you might imagine! Well, besides pickle.

The odd coffee infusion are not almost as rough as you might imagine! Well, besides pickle. © Collage: Screenshots/Tiktok/@Ethanrodecofe

Ethan definitely seems to know his way around complex equipment.

In fact, tictoker has many videos where he only does OL ‘Joe and even some food recipes!

But are his odd infusions only published as a joke, or could it be that these unlikely flavor combinations are secretly delicious?

The debate has collapsed in its Tiktok comments, from “EW” to “fantastic” and everywhere in between.

TikTok avocado coffee gets viral

Tictoker Ethan Rode makes a viral avocado iced latte!

Tictoker Ethan Rode makes a viral avocado iced latte! © Collage: Screenshots/Tiktok/@Ethanrodecofe

Take a good example: Ethan’s viral avocado iced latte.

IN videoWhich has a million views and counts, Red Mash up an avocado and mixes it with milk to create an avocado-infused dairy monocection. He then pours the mixture over the ice and adds espresso.

When you put it, it doesn’t sound so bad, right?

Heck, even a South Korean Starbucks tested An avocado frappuccinoTo prove the idea may not be so strange after all.

For more AVO -Goodness, check out These avocado tipsOr some more common coffee to whip up.

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