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Aspelling mystery writer guilty of having child sex abuse material

New York Times-Bestselling Mystery author Brendan Dubois has relied on having material for sexual abuse against sexual children.

The author was sentenced to 3 1/2 to seven years in prison, Associated Press Reports.

Dubois reportedly had more than 5,600 images on his computer that had been flagged as “possible child abuse” Sea coaston line.

Twenty of these images were described in a commitment submitted by the police in Exeter, NH, Per Seacoast Online. “I estimate that the age of the above children is between childhood to 12 years old,” wrote detective Bailey Teixeira in the pledge, according to SeaCoastonline.

Detective Teixeira also looked at Dubois’ Online Search History, where he found articles about people arrested on child pornography, as well as searches including “How to say about Google have reported me to the police” and “I accidentally saved child pornography to my main Google device” Per Seoastonline.

The author was arrested in Exeter last summer and has been in prison since then, reports the AP. On Thursday, Dubois appeared in court, where prosecutors agreed to release two of the six holdings against him as part of a basic agreement, per ABC News.

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Dubois is the author of more than 25 novels, including co -written with the productive, extremely popular author James Patterson.

Dubois must now register as a sex offender. One of the publishers he worked with, Severn River Publishing, announced that it would remove his books from their website.

People were enough for Duboi’s lawyer for comments but did not immediately belong back.

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