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Texas man goes from unknown to best -selling writer thanks to viral tictok

Texas man goes from unknown to best -selling writer thanks to viral tictok

Shawn Warner published his book in November 2022, but it wasn’t until it became a best seller after getting viral on Tiktok. Check it out at Tag24.

Texas – Shawn Warner published his first novel at the age of 58. To spread the word about the release, he set up a stand in a grocery store. At some point Tiktok The user noted and now Warner’s life has changed forever!

Shawn Warner (58) published his book in November 2022, but it was not until recently that it became a best seller after going Viral Tiktok.

Shawn Warner (58) published his book in November 2022, but it was not until recently that it became a best seller after going Viral Tiktok. © Screenshot twitter/shawnwwrites (2)

Tictoker Jerrad Swearengjin recorded a video by the Texas man in the hope of helping the prospective author. When it goes, the clip went virally and turned Shawn Warner into a best -selling writer overnight after the clip was seen more than 17.5 million times.

But first things first: Shawn Warner, an army veteran, first worked as a child psychiatrist before becoming a software engineer. At some point, he decided to roll the dice to fulfill his childhood dream to become a writer, New York Post Reports.

Although people advised him against it and said “you can’t live by doing so,” the father wrote to two his first book. But it did not initially start in sales.

During the fourth of July weekend, Warner sat in a chair behind a table at a Texas Kroger who proclaimed his novel, Leigh Howard and ghosts from Simmons-Pierce Manor, when two men noticed and approached him.

The Tiktok user noticed Warner’s “defeated” appearance and decided to go back and talk to Warner before leaving, according to the video on the screen.

The video from the prospective author is going viral!

Shawn Warner can finally enjoy success after his book became an Amazon Best Seller #1 all over the world after a Tiktok video went viral.

Shawn Warner can finally enjoy success after his book became an Amazon Best Seller #1 all over the world after a Tiktok video went viral. © Screenshot Twitter/Shawnwwrits

Small talk between Warner and Swearenjin soon turned into conversation, and Warner’s facial expression changed into a wide smile when the strangers showed their interest in his book.

“It’s about a young girl who collaborates with a ghost of several personalities to solve the mystery of her parent’s murder,” the author said in the video. Swearenjin, the man behind the camera, told him he did a little “tictoking” and bought a book, which he had Warner signs.

After that, something incredible that the author probably did not expect: the clip went viral and gave him incredible success in book sales in the next few days.

Until then, he had also received only two reviews on Amazon for his work. Suddenly he shot to the top of the Amazon book diagrams – and can now call himself a best -selling writer.

The book is at the top of Amazon

Jerrad Sweareenjin, which runs the channel @Internetfamouslol At Tiktok, the reason he filmed Warner in the first place was that he “imagined all the times I worked so hard and never got any recognition.” He continued, “Here is a colleague who is just fighting and I just wanted to help him.”

Warner himself still cannot believe the sudden fame that came from someone else’s little, friendly gesture and is quite touched by it. His book remain on top of Amazon.

The success got Warner to create his own Tiktok accountWhere he thanked people who handed out and bought the book, he already has more than 153,000 followers.

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