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Tictok pivots against authenticity and longer videos for 2024

When Tiktok First came, other social media companies struggled to emulate the format, as users seemed to force themselves to the short content that made the platform famous. But now “changes course” and drives users and creators to “make and consume longer videos,” CNN reported. On December 16, the company began to discontinue its “Creator Fund” and will replace it with its New ”Creativity program Beta“That requires videos longer than one minute if the creators want to make money on their content. The platform appreciates that the creators can do over 20 times more than before.

The change comes when the platform predicts a change in the way of thinking within the Tiktok community “which is characterized by curiosity, imagination, vulnerability and courage,” per company “What is the next 2024 trend report. “TikTok has appointed the” Creative Bravery “and predicts that brands that” constantly evoke global curiosity, increase traditional stories norms and build confidence with its audience “will have the most success on the platform next year. Authenticity and vulnerability seems to be critical sales positions now .

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