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Why he defends the lover accused of orchestrating it

Fabio Sementilli was found stabbed to death on January 23, 2017 in the garden in Hans Woodland Hills, California home when he watched TV.

The 49-year-old Canadian Hair Manager, known as “Big Daddy” by his friends and family, was attacked from behind and suffered seven wounds in the neck, chest and thigh. His femoral and carotis arteries were cut.

Prosecutors say that his wife, Monica Sementilli, gathered a plan with her lover Robert Baker, a convicted sex offender and ex-porn actor-3-the-racquetball instructor, to kill Fabio to collect their life insurance money of $ 1.6 million.

But Baker, who has admitted to the murder, took the position recently, he told a jury in Los Angeles that Monica had nothing to do with her husband’s death.

“I murdered him because I wanted her,” Robert Baker testified, Los Angeles Times reported. “She had nothing to do with it.”

Baker participated in a competition for no competition to kill Fabio 2023 and serves a life sentence without the possibility of Parole. He claimed that Monica was not aware of the plan to murder Fabio, Times reported.

Monica Semently.
Robert Baker.

Prosecutors claim Baker and his accomplice Christopher Austin, both dressed in hoodies, jogged up to the couple’s Woodland Hill’s home, carved on the property and attacked Fabio while he was home alone in the garden.

After the evil attack, Baker and Austin ranked the couple’s bedroom and removed DVR from the garage where home safety films were stored. They then fled in Fabio’s 2008 Porsche 911, which was found abandoned about five miles away two days later.

Austin, who previously invoked guilty of murder at second degrees, testified that Monica had left the door to her home unlocked for them the day of the murder and that Baker had told him that she wanted Fabio “away” Times.

“Everything he did he did after he received a text message, which told me he was talking to her via text message,” Austin said according to Times. “I didn’t hear him talk to her on the phone … But everything happened in succession.”

Robert Baker.

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After the murder, Baker testified that he did not talk to Monica for a while but they started again after they met in a bar.

“I never told her that we killed her husband,” he testified according to Times.

Fabio Sementilli.

Fabio Sementilli/ Facebook

For starters, the Los Angeles police believed that his murder was the result of a home invasion burglary that went wrong. But soon their focus moved closer to Baker, which cut their finger during the attack. His DNA was later found in the couple’s home and Fabio’s Porsche.

They also zeroed in to Monica, who is alleged to start pushing both the life insurance company and the police about her husband’s policy and demanded to know why it took so long to get the payment within a few days after Fabio’s death.

The home to Fabio and Monica Sementilli.

AP Photo/Richard Vogel

Almost five months after the murder, the police arrested the couple and accused them of murder, for the special circumstances of lying in anticipation and financial gain; This makes each of them entitled to meet life imprisonment without the possibility of Parole.

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